Monday, October 27, 2008

Fun weekend

This weekend we had alot of fun. First there was the Backyardigan live show. OMG it was so much fun. This is Paije's favorite show. She sings the songs and waves hi to them on the TV. From the time the music started until they sang the goodbye song she sat in her chair and just watched. Her eyes where so wide the whole time. Keira loved it too. This is the 2nd nick jr live show she has seen. She yelled out when she was suppose to and sat next to Gracie the whole time. Then we came home and all napped and then went to the neighbors Halloween party.

On Sunday we went to best buy to look at a new camera for me. Jeff tried to fix my camera when it got stuck in the open position and then the whole thing broke. After that we went to the local brewery for lunch. It was fun letting the girls play out in the grass. When we were done we went to the winery to look around. Paije was in the stroller and Keira had strick instructions to hold the stroller and not let go. They were both very good. We took them outside to play in the leaves and see the ducks. We also got a great candid family picture taken there too. We finished off the day with bath times and a family movie in mommy and daddy's bed. That was a huge treat for Paije. She fell asleep laying against mommy. It was really nice. We love weekends like this. here are some pictures.


Kent said...

photogenic family!

The Druhe Fam said...

Looks like fun! What a GREAT family picture!!! Sooooooo cute!

Bev said...

you should frame the last one.